Strawberry Vanilla Milkshake

This Strawberry Milkshake is Pure Liquid candy!

A super sweet & refreshing dessert or snack that boosts you energy and leave you feeling great. This sexy threat is awesome for your skin and imunesystem because of the high amount of antioxidants in the beautiful strawberries, raw cacao and the omega 3 from the chia seeds. Furthermore the raw cacao is boosting your blood circulation.


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1 cup of Frozen organic strawberries

5 fresh dates

1 cup of plant milk (Almond, hat, soy, rice etc.)

1 ripe organic banana

1/8 tbsp of pure vanilla



Chia sfeeds

Raw cacao nibs

roasted chopped hazelnuts


  1. Use a blender or a hand blender.

  2. Remote the pits from the fresh dates and add all the Ingrediens for the milkshake to a blender or a bowl or using a hand blender.

  3. Blend until smooth.

  4. Roast nuts for 3-4 minutes on high heat and roughly chop 'em.

  5. Pour you delicious milkeshake into a a glass and sprinkle nuts, chia seeds raw cacao nibs on top and dig in!


Let food do it's magic!

More Proteins:

Use soy milk and add more chia seeds


Better blood cicrulation:

Add more raw cacao and add cinnamon


Get your Omega 3:

Get your daily dosis of omega 3 by using one tbsp of chia seeds

Sabina Fevre