

Change your beliefs, change your life;

There is always a reason why you feel and act like you do.

Maybe you get really anxious around people - also people you know.

Maybe you’re never really happy, and you can’t find a reason why.

Maybe you feel overwhelmed and like you have no control over your life.

Maybe you do things, that you don’t want to - and don’t do what you really dream of.

Maybe you just not satisfied with yourself or your life.

Maybe you’re just drained, lost, stuck and unmotivated.

Maybe something happened, that seem to haunt you, that you can’t let go of.

Let me assure you that there is also a very good reason for why you have not been able to stop or change your unwanted state, emotions, and behaviors.

It’s not because anything is wrong with you, or because you have done anything wrong.

And it’s not because you are too messed up by what has happened to you.

It’s just that you did not know how to access your control-center, because the fewest people knows that they even have one.

You see everything we think and feel happens almost 100% percent automatically, and you’re just here to watch the show.

And once we change what automatically runs us, we completely change our life and the past will no longer have an impact on us - even if it has been life threatening and extremely traumatic.

I will help you to eliminate your unwanted emotions and behavior so you can live the life you desire, no matter your past.

I use The Lefkoe Method which is the most powerful, effective and also smooth method I have ever come across in my life.

It’s a process where I help you find out what’s causing your problem, and then I bring you through a smooth process to eliminate it.

It’s a conversation, where I ask some questions and take you through some scenarios.

I do online sessions via Zoom, so you can sit in the comfort of your home with your favorite cup, and you don’t need to think about transportation.

WHat is The Lefkoe Method?

I use the Lefkoe Method, which is a method that consists of different physiological processes.

The core processes is The Belief Process, which helps to permanently eliminate limiting beliefs.

A limiting beliefs is a statement about reality that you on some level belief is true. Examples of limiting beliefs are:

I’m not good enough. Relationships are difficult. I have to work hard to get money. Life is a struggle.

Beliefs are here to help us to survive in the environment we are growing up in.

The challenge is that we create many of our beliefs way before our brains are fully developed, which means that we jump to conclusions that makes sense to a child, but not always to an adult.

This can make it difficult for us to realize that we have these beliefs - they are working from our subconscious mind.

The Lefkoe Belief process helps you to get in contact with your beliefs and also to check if the beliefs are eliminated after doing the process.

It’s unavoidable to get beliefs, so everyone has them.

We can have limiting beliefs about ourselves, others, relationships, health, food, money, work, sleep - about anything! So if you struggle in any of these areas, you have beliefs about them.

The amazing news is that you can end the struggle once and for all, when removing the beliefs causing the problem.


Why should I use this method?

Our beliefs plays such a crucial role in our lives, as we can not act in conflict with our beliefs.

This is why we might consciously want to change something, but we can’t succeed while what’s subconsciously driving the behavior or emotion is still present.

We can look at our beliefs as our programming: They run us automatically.

If you have the belief “I’m not important” you will feel that you are not important whenever you are not included in something, not asked for your opinion, or when someone is not saying hi to you.

The beliefs we have controls what meaning we give to whatever happens, and the meaning we give to something determines our emotions.

If you imagine that someone you know passes you by without looking at you and saying hi, what meaning do you give that?

Maybe: She doesn’t care about me. She is being rude. She don’t like me. How does that make you feel? Probably not good.

Now try to give it another meaning: She is super stressed and did not notice me, I hope she is okay.

Notice how your emotions changes, as soon as the meaning changes.

That’s because emotions comes from the meaning, not the events.

And meaning comes from beliefs.

So if you eliminate negative or limiting beliefs, you will change your thoughts and you will change your emotions, which will make you behave in a different way.

Furthermore The Lefkoe Method has a processes around conditioning, expectations, sense of self and habits/addictions and these additional processes are used to completely free the you from whatever you wish to let go of.



My name is Sabina.

I am a Certified Holistic Coach, a Lefkoe Method Facilitator and I teach this method to psychologists, therapists and leaders internationally in corporation with The Lefkoe Institute.

I Have worked with clients all over the world for the past five years and it’s the biggest joy to experience people transform their lives.

I think everyone deserves to live the life they truly want and feel how they wish to, and that’s what i am here to do.

I use the lefkoe method in my sessions and I strive create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, where the your needs are in focus.

My sessions are a safe space and there’s room for everything. There is no problem too big or too small.

I’m 29 years old, based Copenhagen, and I offer online sessions and courses in English and danish.